Educational Visits
We believe that educational visits are a very important part of your children's learning and enable them to enjoy a range of 'first hand' experiences; these included different modes of transport. We try to choose experiences that cost little and ask parents to contribute towards the cost. If a parent is unable to manage this, the child will, of course, still be included on the visit.
It is an expectation that children undertake an education visit at least once a term. Educational visits include trips out of school within the local area and into London as well as visitors coming into school to work with children.
Parents are often asked to Educational Visits Policy accompany a class on a visit but are asked to follow our guidelines to ensure a safe and enjoyable time for everyone. We are not always able to take a large number of parents as often entry numbers are limited. If you would like to accompany your child please speak to the class teacher and they will confirm with you before the trip whether you are able to attend.
Children in our specialised provision need these experiences in order to develop their spoken language in different settings and, for this reason, transport is usually paid for out of school funds.