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  • "My granddaughter couldn’t wait to come back to school" Year 3 grandparent
  • "My daughter was really happy to return to school. She was excited and really missed learning, as well as her class friends" Year 1 parent
  • "Greenacres does a good job of helping children understand their own wellbeing" Year 2 parent.
  • "My son looks forward to going to school" Year 4 parent
  • "My child has only been at Greenacres a short while but has already made so much progress."
  • "The transition video made by the class teacher helped my son to focus on the changes and gave us some time to research some work on their up and coming theme." Year 2 parent
  • "EVERYONE at Greenacres works well together."
  • "Really happy with Greenacres; cannot praise it enough! I would recommend it 100%"
  • "I really enjoyed the workshop with the children. It’s nice to go in the school and have the kids tell you what they have been learning about and seeing their wonderful work."


At Greenacres, we pride ourselves on being a friendly, inclusive school with a positive ethos towards children, parents, carers and staff.

We believe that, together, we will succeed. We have the highest of expectations for achievement and behaviour for all.

Children enter the school at different starting points and, through supporting, developing and educating the whole child, they make good progress and leave ready for the next stage in their learning.

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